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Showing posts from May, 2018


DOWNLOAD LINK   HERE Requirements Android SDK 16+ Usage Add to your root build.gradle: allprojects { repositories { .. . maven { url " " } } } Add the dependency: dependencies { compile ' com.github.yalantis:jellytoolbar:v1.0 ' } How to use this library in your project? First of all, add  JellyToolbar  to the xml layout of your activity, so it looks like that: <? xml version = " 1.0 " encoding = " utf-8 " ?> < LinearLayout xmlns : android = " " xmlns : app = " " android : layout_width = " match_parent " android : layout_height = " match_parent " android : orientation = " vertical " > < com .yalantis.jellytoolbar.widget.JellyToolbar android : id = " @+id/toolbar " android : layout_width =

New ver Of Android Studio 3.1.2

Android Studio provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device. ___________ This update to Android Studio 3.1 includes fixes for the following bugs: In some cases, Android Studio hung indefinitely during exit. Builds configured with  source sets  failed with the following message when Instant Run was enabled: "The SourceSet  name  is not recognized by the Android Gradle Plugin." When Instant Run was enabled, builds of new Kotlin projects failed when triggered by the  Run command. During editing of the  build.gradle  file, there was sometimes a noticeable delay between typing a character and the character appearing on the screen. Build failures occurred during dexing in some projects with large numbers of modules or external dependencies, with the following error message: "RejectedExecutionException: Thread limit exceeded replacing blocked worker" The computation of the D8 main DEX list was not taking into a